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Rebellious Robots

21,479번 플레이됨

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하이스코어가 있는 모든 게임
게임 설명

In the distant future, the world has many economic and environmental problems. The technology of virtual reality has evolved so much that everyone is trying to escape from its difficult situation in real life.

The creator of this virtual world was a utopian and at first tried to create a perfect world without health problems or wealth, but it did not work. Human nature was too strong.
Disappointed, he decided to create this alternative world, where people must fight rebellious robots in virtual arenas for eternity.
Keep in mind that if this is not the reality, your brain believes it and you will really die.
Try to survive this first-person shooter WebGL game with awesome 3D graphics, mad robots, lots of cool weapons to buy, and an adrenaline rush. Enjoy and don't forget to unlock all achievements!

카테고리: 슈팅 게임
추가됨: 08 Sep 2018