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Ellie Outfit of the Day

35,222번 플레이됨

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게임 설명

This girl is getting ready for a busy day. First coffee in town with her best friends. Then she has to stop at her office and pick some files. She is having brunch with ken and later she will go with her sister on a shopping spree. Also she wants to go to the movies in the afternoon and she will have dinner in town with her besties. After dinner she will take a late night walk in the park with her boyfriend. Find the perfect outfit for this day, as she won't have time to change, her outfit needs to be chic and cozy at the same time. Take a look in her wardrobe and help the diva try out different clothes until you find the right outfit for her. Also, you must give her a makeup that will last all day. Have fun!

카테고리: 여자아이용 게임
추가됨: 14 Aug 2019