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Cindy Home Office

36,465번 플레이됨

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게임 설명

Cindy has started her own online business and she is so excited about this. In order to be able to run her business well, she needs to set up her home office. Play this game to help the princess get the desired office by designing it. You need to redecorate one of her rooms and start with the walls. Give them a nice paint, choose a carpet and a desk. The desk is the most important furniture and so is the working chair, so choose the best ones. Make sure you ad shelves and everything else Cindy needs to do her job and run her business. Finally, you can pick a nice and cozy outfit for her, and also a new hairstyle for a new beginning. Have fun!

카테고리: 여자아이용 게임
추가됨: 08 Jan 2020