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Yatzy Friends

10,890번 플레이됨

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게임 설명

Yatzy Friends is an online version of the popular 5-dice and cup party game! Vie with your opponents for the highest score. You can take on one opponent at a time. Pop the dice into the cup and tip them onto the table. Look at the combinations listed on the sheet and try to pick the best match. Keep the numbers that work for you, and put the other dice back into the cup. You have 2 more rolls to complete your combination. Not all of your combos have to be a perfect match but the closer your match is, the higher your score will be. Some combinations will also yield bonus points. Once all of the combinations are filled, the player with the highest score wins. Try to pick up some boosters at the shop to increase your chances of winning!

추가됨: 13 Nov 2019