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Teen Titans Go: Jump Jousts

314,049번 플레이됨

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이 게임의 다른 시리즈 게임: Teen Titans Go: Jump Jousts
게임 설명

Teen Titans Go: Jump Jousts an amazing game after the other, all of them worthy of your time, because there's no way at all that you are not going to have a rocking time with all of its games. Let's see what you will be doing in this one, then, shall we? This is going to be a battle and fighting game, where jumping is one of the main moves you will make since the characters are going to jump whenever you move them. Jump right and left using the corresponding arrow keys. To attack you are going to press the A key, and the s key is used for a special attack if you have the necessary power for it. Play this fun game only on y8.com

추가됨: 23 Dec 2020