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Tales From The Arcade: Fartmania

872번 플레이됨

로봇이 아님을 인증

투표해 주셔서 감사합니다. 귀하의 투표가 저장되었으며 잠시 후 표시됩니다.
게임 설명

Welcome to “Fartmania,” a delightful and humor-filled game where you navigate the skies in a way you’ve never imagined—by controlling a gravity-defying pig using the power of flatulence! This addictive and quirky game challenges players to steer our pig hero through colorful and obstacle-laden levels. Using the pig’s unique gas propulsion method, you must dodge barriers, snatch power-ups, and outsmart adversaries to soar to new heights. Prepare for a whimsical adventure filled with laughs and airborne antics as you aim for high-flying glory in the world of “Fartmania.”

카테고리: 웃긴 & 미친 게임
추가됨: 24 May 2024