Stealth Hunter
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Stealth Hunter

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이 게임의 다른 시리즈 게임: Stealth Hunter
게임 설명

In this 2006 Flash action game in isometric view, you play as a secret agent in missions of infiltrating a building, whose goal is to succeed in each mission by reaching each arrival point without being detected by the enemy.

Use the arrow keys to move. The Space key is used to perform actions. The Z key to drop a bomb and the X key to detonate it when you are away from it. The R key restarts the mission.
Move to the final square to move on to the next event.
In order to remain stealthy in your movements, you must lean against the walls and walk along them. You can move the crates by getting behind while moving forward.

Can you finish the game without being spotted?

추가됨: 29 Dec 2006