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Farmers Stealing Tanks

12,978번 플레이됨

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게임 설명

Have fun with this entertaining action game called Farmers Stealing Tanks! The war has come into your farm land as enemy tanks invade your land and you have to do your part to help your land by driving your tractor to steal tanks that have run out of gas and taking them into the shed. Flee to the house when your tractor got hit by the tank. You'll have the opportunity to smash them to pieces with powerful slams, gaining loads of extra lives! Be careful not to die at the hands of some stray bullets, hide from your enemies whenever possible and get them to kill each other. Try with your little help to make the world a less cruel and dangerous place and try to establish peace and end the war! Have fun playing this game here at Y8.com!

카테고리: 웃긴 & 미친 게임
추가됨: 20 Mar 2022