Dino Soars!
Y8 브라우저에서 더이상 플래시 플러그인을 지원하지 않습니다.
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Dino Soars!

21,895번 플레이됨

로봇이 아님을 인증

투표해 주셔서 감사합니다. 귀하의 투표가 저장되었으며 잠시 후 표시됩니다.
게임 설명

Uh-Oh, Prehistoric winds have blown your pterodactyl eggs out of your nest. Swoop & search below to gather'em up before anything "bad" happens! Find all of the scattered Pterodactyls Eggs and return them to your nest before time runs out! Grab 50 eggs for an extra life! Watch out for prehistoric bugs! If they bump into you, they'll make you drop some of your pterodactyls eggs! Dropped eggs must be recovered quickly, or else they may become a snack for the terrible t-rex on the ground below!

추가됨: 23 Aug 2018