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Cat Cove Inn

2,595번 플레이됨

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게임 설명

Cat Cove Inn is a cat management game. Tap a cat on screen to bring up their status. Then tap the or icons to play a minigame and fill up the stat. Doing this will grant you trust with the cat, shown by the on the left of the status. When the cat fully trusts you, tap the to find their new forever home! To find and foster more cats, tap the paw on the right hand side, then tap the icon to open the Discover screen. Can’t find your new cat? Tap the icon in the paw menu to take cats in and out of storage. While in storage, cats stats do not change! When out of storage, their and will deplete in 25 hours, so make sure to check in once a day, or put them in storage so they stay happy! Can you take care of the cats? Enjoy playing this game here at Y8.com!

추가됨: 07 Nov 2022