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Bell Madness

11,625번 플레이됨

로봇이 아님을 인증

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게임 설명

Bell Madness is a mischievous game where you take on the role of a neighborhood prankster. Your mission? Annoy your unsuspecting neighbor by ringing their doorbell, knocking on their door or window, or even turning on their faucet. Watch and laugh as you provoke different reactions from them. Unlock a variety of hilarious responses and earn coins for each successful prank. Use your earnings to purchase new items to further torment your neighbor and escalate the madness. Can you outwit your neighbor and become the ultimate prankster in Bell Madness?

카테고리: 웃긴 & 미친 게임
개발자: Go Panda Games
추가됨: 19 Jun 2024