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Paragliding Mexico 2014 Part 1

Paragliding Mexico 2014 Part 1

643 번 감상됨

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동영상 설명

XC vacation in thermal heaven Valle de Bravo in Mexico. Trip arranged by paragliding.no, with the most amusing guides Ronny and Tonny. We had amazing weather for two weeks, thermic flights every day, even when fully overcast.

The first part of this two episode series includes the famous (?) XC out to Lindros, where we found strong head wind, which forced 17 pilots to land in the middle of nowhere in the Mexican countryside. Ronny managed to make a deal with the locals to give us a ride back to Valle de Bravo, amazing.
The other flights in the video were from that one completely overcast day, but we had thermals and had a nice smooth ride. It even cleared up in the afternoon for some fun evening flying.
